петак, 25. јануар 2013.

Building Basics: Grammar Base - Engleski u jednoj slici, Olivera i Zarko Radosavljevic

Ovaj video je na srpskom jeziku i potpuno podrzava pristup ucenju engleskog jezika koji zelim da predstavim na ovom blogu. 
Autori koriste MindMaps pristup - Mape Uma, u cilju svodjenja celokupne gramatike u jednu sliku. Iako ce onima koji vec govore engleski ovaj video delovati smesno, sigurna sam da ce pocetnici uzivati u pojednostavljenju stvari. Neki od mojih prijatelja su pozitivno reagovali na isti ( sa slabijim znanjem), dok su drugi imali razlicite komentare ( sa vec odredjenim nivoom znanja engleskog). Pored predstavljanja gramatike engleskog u jednoj slici, autori daju niz saveta vezanih za nacin ucenja i motivaciju, sto se takodje poklapa sa mojim razmisljanjem na tu temu, koristeci literaturu i savete autora Buzana ( Brzo citanje, Koristite obe hemisfere mozga..)
Iako predlazu koriscenje Dolcove liste reci, izostavljaju vaznost frazeoloskog govora ( svodeci fraze na broj 12) sto je ujedno i moja jedina zamerka na ovaj video pored predstavljanja ideje na srpskom jeziku. Medjutim, s obzirom da je video vise promotivni/motivacioni, kao takav  moze cak da bude korisniji za pocetnike. 

Sa ovim postom zavrsavamo Build Basics- Pravljenje baze engleskog jezika. Iskoristite svoje vreme da ucvrstite znanje iz ovih oblasti. Vezbajte svakodnevno. Sledeci koraci predstavljaju nadogradnju, sa kojom cemo poceti malo kasnije. U medjuvremenu cemo raditi na Review-u , ponavljanju dosadasnjih lekcija i eventualnom pojasnjenju. Budite vredni!

четвртак, 24. јануар 2013.

Building Basics: Grammar Base - Verb Tenses

Our Grammar Base involves 6 (six) Verb Tenses..3 Simple Tenses and 3 Continuous Tenses


  • FUTURE (will and going to)




SIMPLE PRESENT                                     

1. a present state of affairs: My sister lives in Washington.

2. a general fact: The sun rises in the east.

3. habitual actions: I listen to the radio in the mornings.

4. future timetables: My flight leaves at 10:00.

Note:  We add s to the end of the verb in the third person singular : he. she or it

The verb BE: The verb be is irregular and often contracted. We use it to talk about age, nationality, job and status.

I am Serbian.         He is thirty.
She is married.       We are both engineers.


1. a specific action that is occurring ( right now): Andrew is watching TV.

2. a general activitty that takes place over a period of time: My sister is living in Washington. Sue's condition is improving. These days, I'm taking it easy. 

3. future arrangments: I'm inviting Emma to the party on Friday.



1. an action or a state that began end ended at a particular time in the past: The mail came early this morning. I was a shy in high school.

2. an action that occurred over a period of time but was completed in the past.: Dad worked in advertising for 10 years.

3. an activity that took place regularly in the past: We jogged every morning before class.


1. ongoing actions that were interrupted: I was sewing when the telephone ranf. While I was sewing, the telephone rang.

2. a continuous state or repeated action in the past: She was looking very ill. I was meeting lots of people at that time.

3. events planned in the past: Nancy was leaving for Chicago but had to make a last-minute cancellation.


FUTURE going to

1. expressing a future intent based on a decision made in the past: Jim is going to bring his sister tonight.

2. predicting an event that is likely to happen in the future: You're going to pass the test. Don't worry.

3. predicting an event that is likely to happen based on the present conditions: I don't feel well. I'm going to faint.


1. making a decision at the time of speaking: I'll call you after lunch.

2. predicting an event that is likely to happen in the future: You will pass the test. Don't worry.

3. indicating willingness to do something: If I don't feel better soon, I' ll go to the doctor.


1. an action that will be ongoing at a particular time in the future: At noon tomorrow, I'll be taking the children to their piano lessons.

2. future actions that have already been decided: I'll be attending law school for the next three years.

уторак, 22. јануар 2013.

Building Basics: Phrase Base - III&IV Phrase List

Let's do today's practice.. Here are the second part of phrases formed by the words of The Dolch List 220.
  • Say them out loud
  • Practice with pronunciation
  • Try to speed up
  • Make a list of some useful phrases and put it in your Phrase Book

after             Read your book after school.
again            Did you watch the movie again?
an                 I saw an elephant at the zoo.
any               I didn’t see any whales.
ask                Did you ask the teacher?
as                  I am as quiet as a mouse.
by                 Sit by your friend.
could             I wish I could play outside.

every             I like every book on the shelf.
fly                  The bird will fly to the nest.    
from               I got a dime from my mom.
give                Give Tommy his paper.
going              I am going to see a movie.
had                 I had a great time.
has                  She has a folder on her desk.
her                 That belongs to her.

him                 I watched him play baseball.
his                  He hung his coat on a hook.
how                How did you do that?
just                 I just got home.
know              I know how to sing.
let                   Please let her use your crayon.
live                 I live in Cresco.
may               You may go play.

of                   I had a lot of fun.
old                 My sneakers are old.
once               Stop talking at once!
open               Leave the door open.
over                Can you come over to my house?
put                  I will put the book on the shelf.
round              The ball is round.
some               Can I have some?

stop                 It is time to stop.
take                 I will take my folder home.
thank              Thank you for helping me.
them               That ball belongs to them.
then                I will eat lunch and then go play.
think               I think it is your turn.
walk                Let’s go for a walk.
were               They were having a good time.
when               When are we leaving?

always             I always raise my hand.
around            Walk around the school.
because           I like school because it is fun.
been                It has been raining for two days.
before            Wash your hands before you eat.
best                That was the best time I ever had.
both               We both went for a walk.
call                 Please call me on the phone.

cold                   It was cold last night.
does                  She does a good job.
don’t                 Don’t cut in line.
fast                    He is fast.
first                  First grade is great!
five                  A nickel is worth five cents.
found               I found my scissors in my desk.
gave                 My mom gave me a snack.

goes                 She goes to kindergarten.
green               The grass is green.
its                    The skunk lifts its tail.
made                I made my bed.
many              How many pets do you have?
off                   Turn off the light.
or                    Do you like chocolate or vanilla?
pull                 The horse will pull the carriage.

read                Which book shall I read?
right                That is the right answer.
sing                 Let’s sing a song.
sit                    Please sit down.
sleep               The baby will sleep in the crib.
tell                  Did you tell your dad?
their                The family got in their car.
these               Do these books belong to you?

those           Put those books on the desk.
upon            Once upon a time there was a frog.
us                Read us a story.
use              Please use an inside voice.
very            I am very tired.
wash           I will wash the dishes.
which          Which one is yours?
why             Why did you leave?

wish          I wish it was time to go home.
work         Finish your work.
would       What would you like for dinner?
write         Did you write in your journal?
your          I saw your teacher in the hall.

about         I learned about Thanksgiving.
better        Do you feel better?
bring          I will bring my paper home.
carry         Carry the groceries to the car.
clean         Clean up your mess.
cut             I cut my finger.
done           I am done with my work.
draw           He will draw a picture.

drink           Get a drink from the fountain.
eight            She is eight years old.
fall              Don’t fall off the jungle gym.
far               How far away is it?
full             The basket is full of apples.
got              He got sick.
grow           The seed will grow into a plant.
hold             Hold onto the railing.

if                  I will be happy if you play.
keep             Keep up the good work!
kind              Be kind to others.
laugh           I heard them laugh at the joke.
light            Turn on the light.
long             Her hair is long.
much           How much does that cost?

myself            I hurt myself.
never              I’ve never been to Disney World.
only                I only read two pages.
own                Use your own pencil.
pick                Pick a name from the hat.
seven              I am going to be seven years old.
shall                What shall I wear?
show                I will show you the picture.

six                  There are six kids on the swings.
small              My shoes are too small.
start                School will start soon.
ten                  I have ten fingers.
today              We have gym class today.
together          Let’s play together.
try                  Please try to be quiet.
warm             The soup is warm

понедељак, 21. јануар 2013.

Building Basics: Phrase Base - I&II Simple Phrase List

 Learning the English language is not memorizing individual words, neither learning grammar...
Phrases.... One of the most effective way in building your fluency in English is memorizing and practicing simple phrases. Why?

First, knowledge of the set of simple phrases give us ability to respond immediately or to ask question as quickly as possible in a situation when an conversation flows. By this way, we avoid the trap of direct translating and potentially sinking in a sea of information and grammatical rules.
Second, phrases are grammatical. You don't need to think about tenses, countable nouns or irregular verbs... Honestly, in most cases you will not have time for that.

Just Speak Now. 

Learning advice: Avoid translating!
The fact is that translating from your own language into English prevents you from speaking fluently. To overcome dependency on translating, practice simple phrases in English until you can use them with the same fluency as you can use your own language.
Then build up from those phrases to more complex sentences.

Today we are going to practice the phrases based on The Dolch Word List. There are four group of phrases: Pre - premier, Premier, First and Second grade group. Here are two of them.

How to learn these phrases?

  • First, try to understand how the each word in a phrase is used
  • Try to guess meaning of the phrase without translation
  • Try to read and imitate the pronunciation, word by word  
  • Try to speed up your produced speech
  • Practice speaking these phrases until fluency
  • Than write a similar/different phrase for each word
  • And explore other phrases related to the Dolch words ( use dictionary with examples)
Our goal is to practice a simple phrases as much as possible. Make a  daily plan and start to make your: The Phrase Book (instead a vocabulary book). Practice every day. 

a                       I ate a snack.
and               My friend and I play.
away    I will throw away my lunch.  
big                 That is a big truck.
blue                         The sky is blue.
can                                I can read.
come                   Will you come over?
down             She went down the slide.
find               I can’t find my pencil.
for                This gift is for you.    

funny                  That was a funny joke.
go             They will go to school.
help                            I will help you.
here                                     I sit here.
I                   I am six years old.
in          The rabbit is in the hole.
is                      She is my friend.
it                                We like it.
jump         I will jump over the puddle.
little                 My little sister is cute.

look              I will look in my desk.
make  My grandma will make a cake.
me                That belongs to me.
my               Where is my pencil?
not       She is not in school today.
one     I have one cookie for snack.
play        Will you play tag with me?
red                       The apple is red.
run                           I can run fast.
said                 He said I was funny.

see               Did you see my hat?
the                  She read the book.
three                   I have three pencils.
to      I will walk to your house.
two There are two kids on the bus.
up                      I ran up the hill.
we              We are in first grade.
where                  Where are you going?
yellow                        The sun is yellow.
you       I will jump rope with you.


all                   I ate all my lunch.
am               I am a good student.  
are                  My friends are here.
at                   I looked at the dog.
ate                         He ate his snack.
be                             I will be kind.
black                              The car is black.
brown                           I saw a brown bear.
but    I took a nap, but I am still tired.
came        My cousins came for a visit.

did                  She did her homework.
do                       I will do my chores.
eat     What did you eat for breakfast?
four        There are four deer in the field.
get                  They will get a gold slip.
good                           You did a good job!
have                         I have a broken arm.
he                            He is my friend.
into                   I walked into the store.
like                            I like my teacher.

must              You must finish your work.
new                  I moved to a new town.
no    My mom says the answer is no.
now                       We have Music now.
on                     She sat on the swing.
our             Our family went on a trip.
out       I walked out of the classroom.
please              Can I please go to the party?
pretty                              My mom is pretty.
ran                          My cat ran away.

ride       I went on a roller coaster ride.
saw                              He saw a ghost.
say                         What did you say?
she                           She is my friend.
so                           I am so hungry.
soon                        I will be done soon.
that                I saw that show on TV.
there                           Put it over there.
they       They always walk in the hall.
this            I found this on the floor.

too                     I washed my hands too.
under         There is a monster under my bed.
want                                    I want a cookie.
was           He was running down the hall.
well                                 I don’t feel well.
went                       We went to the movies.
what                     I don’t know what to do.
white                               The snow is white.
who                      Who will be my friend?
will              She will play on the swings.
with                        Can I play with you?
yes        Yes, I like using the computer.

субота, 19. јануар 2013.

Building Basics: Vocabulary Base - The Dolch Word List 220

Vocabulary Base - The Dolch List 220

Vocabulary Base is very important in building/improving  our Speaking, Writing and Reading skills. The second ingredient in building our Vocabulary Base is The Dolch Word List - the list of most common English words.

Edward William Dolch, PhD, compiled the list of frequently used words in the English language, The Dolch Word List, also called Sight Words or The Dolch 220. These words make up 50 to70 percent of any general text and includes pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and verbs. The basic list excludes nouns, which make up a separate 95 word list.
Many of the 220 Dolch words cannot be "sounded out" and have to be learned by "sight," that is memorized. The list is divided into grade levels. 
Because fluency in reading the Dolch 220 and the 95 nouns is essential to literacy, a variety of techniques are used to teach them, including: reading Dolch literature books, using flash cards, playing games, and writing activities. Repetition and practice are very important in making recognition of sight words automatic.

It is necessary to know this list of words to be able to speak. However, this is the last time that you learn words taken out of context, because English is the phrasal language. Anyway, I will try to give you advice to do this as best as possible.
Once after we built our base vocabulary we'll be in position to choose the best ways to expand it.

(This passage contains all of the 220 Dolch Basic Sight Words.)

The Best Thing In The World

Once upon a time, there were four brothers who lived in a far away land. Their father was an old king. One day he said, "I will not live long now. Today you must start out into the world. In a year, bring back the best thing you have found. The one who can pick the best thing shall be the new king." The first brother said, "I will look in every city or town. I will buy the best thing I can for my father." The next two brothers said, "We will both go on fast ships over the sea. We will find something better." The last brother said, "I am going to ask the people here in our own land to tell me the best thing." The other three brothers began to laugh. "Then you will never be king!" They said.

The last brother started off. When he had gone about six miles, he met a man. "What do you carry in those big bags?" he asked. "The best thing in the world," said the man. "These are full of the good nuts which fall from my five nut trees." "I don't think that would work," said the brother to himself, "I must try again." The brother went on another seven miles. He found a small brown bird. It had been hurt, so he put it in his coat where it could keep warm. As he went on, he saw a little girl crying. He ran to meet her. "Why are you crying?" he asked. "I want to get some water from the well," she said. "We use so much. We drink cold water. We wash the clothes clean with hot water. But I do not know how to pull it up. Please show me." The brother said, "Hold this bird and I will help you. It does not fly around any more because it got its wing cut." "Thank you. What a pretty bird!" she said. "I wish you would give it to me. If you will let me keep it, I will always be very kind to it. I will take care of it myself. I will make it grow well again." "Yes, you may have it," said the brother. So he gave her the bird and went on.

At night, he went to sleep under a round yellow haystack. When it was light again he walked on. Every day he would walk eight or ten miles. He asked the people about the best thing in the world. Some said it was best to sing. Some said it was best to run and jump and play. Some said the green grass was best. Some liked the red and blue and white flowers best. One man said the best thing was to ride a black horse. He always stopped to help people who needed it. Soon he made many friends. All the people began to like him. They would say, "See there goes the king's son. He would be just the right kind of king for us." Every door was open to him. The people would call to him to stop. They would ask him to come and eat with them. After he ate, he would sit down and read to the children. After he read, he showed them how to draw and write. Months went by. He still had no beautiful thing to take to his father. Just before the year was done, he went home again.

The time came when the king called his sons together. "What did you bring?" He asked them all. The other brothers had many beautiful things. "And what did you bring?" said the king to the last brother. "This is too funny!" said the other brothers. "He has nothing!" But the king was kind to the last brother. "What did you bring me?" the king asked again. "I bring only the friendship of your people," said the last  brother. "That is the best thing!" cried his father. "You shall be the new king."                      The End


Pre-Primer         Primer                 First Grade            Second Grade              Third Grade

  • For now, try to read this story without thinking of meaning of words
  • Then, try to find how the word is used grammatically, divide them in the groups of nouns, verbs, adjectives ..
  • Find the meanings
  • Try to pronounce them
  • Please explore >> http://www.mrsperkins.com/dolch.htm  from where this story is. You will find this list of words as the printable version in the Word/Pdf/PP formats.
  • In the right of PowerPoint version you will see small audio button.
Learning Advice:  Remember your brain like to see colours and pictures!
                              Use flash cards for learning words!
                              Play games!

You can download the Flash cards from the MrPerkin's website, print, and then cut. On your flash card write (below the word) how  is pronounced and add different forms of the word -  noun, adjective, adverb..

On the back of  the flash card write down the meaning and synonyms.
If you don't have a printer you can use simple post-it notes.

Our next goal is to learn 220 - 32 ( irregular verbs from yesterday) = 188 new words

Take the time you need, don't hurry. Building the base is the most important part of your learning process. It will influence on the all your learning activities in the future. 

If your learning style is linear:

Non nouns

Pre-primer: a, and, away, big, blue, can, come, down, find, for, funny, go, help, here, I, in, is, it, jump, little, look, make, me, my, not, one, play, red, run, said, see, the, three, to, two, up, we, where, yellow, you

Primer: all, am, are, at, ate, be, black, brown, but, came, did, do, eat, four, get, good, have, he, into, like, must, new, no, now, on, our, out, please, pretty, ran, ride, saw, say, she, so, soon, that, there, they, this, too, under, want, was, well, went, what, white, who, will, with, yes

1st Grade: after, again, an, any, as, ask, by, could, every, fly, from, give, giving, had, has, her, him, his, how, just, know, let, live, may, of, old, once, open, over, put, round, some, stop, take, thank, them, then, think, walk, were, when

2nd Grade: always, around, because, been, before, best, both, buy, call, cold, does, don't, fast, first, five, found, gave, goes, green, its, made, many, off, or, pull, read, right, sing, sit, sleep, tell, their, these, those, upon, us, use, very, wash, which, why, wish, work, would, write, your

3rd Grade: about, better, bring, carry, clean, cut, done, draw, drink, eight, fall, far, full, got, grow, hold, hot, hurt, if, keep, kind, laugh, light, long, much, myself, never, only, own, pick, seven, shall, show, six, small, start, ten, today, together, try, warm


apple, baby, back, ball, bear, bed, bell, bird, birthday, boat, box, boy, bread, brother, cake, car, cat, chair, chicken, children, Christmas, coat, corn, cow, day, dog, doll, door, duck, egg, eye, farm, farmer, father, feet, fire, fish, floor, flower, game, garden, girl, good-bye, grass, ground, hand, head, hill, home, horse, house, kitty, leg, letter, man, men, milk, money, morning, mother, name, nest, night, paper, party, picture, pig, rabbit, rain, ring, robin, school, seed, sheep, shoe, sister, snow, song, squirrel, stick, street, sun, table, thing, time, top, toy, tree, watch, water, way, wind, window, wood

More Irregular verbs: 


LET - LET