четвртак, 17. јануар 2013.

The Key Factors

Speak English Now. is the blog based on the idea of fastest way to learn English language. At the beginning of this useful journey, it is worthwhile to introduce you to The Key Factors:

1. The Right Mindset - Fear No

Fear, our old friend which helped us a lot in understanding how to use The Law of Attraction is the reason why the most people fails in their attempts in building fluency skill. It is a fear to speak, a fear of ridicule, a fear of making mistakes and looking stupid..
If you really want to learn or improve your English, the first thing you must do is learn to pay substantially less attention to what others around you thinking/saying about your "English communication skills".

If  learning/speaking a language seems impossible for you, you are in the wrong frequency. Change it and stay tuned. 

How to deal with fear?

After reading this point try to introduce yourself in the English. Say something about yourself. Name, age, profession, life goals, even your phone number if you are good at.

2. Visualize English - Make a Plan

about  your approach to learning English,  Plan it and stick to that plan.

Think about..
You are speaking English fluently - place this picture in your mind and recall it often. Every day before you start to learn/speak do this mental exercise.. if you are a beginner try to focus yourself on the picture that represents your language learning process. Imagine yourself learning actively and expressing ideas fluently, with a great amount of self confidence, from day to day.

two of the most powerful words for what you put after them shapes your reality
Motivation - Think about things that motivates you to study language. You may want to get into a foreign university or better payed job or simply love language and want to improve them. Make a list of motivations and refer to it often.

Set you goals Think about your English language skills, your learning style and approach of learning, the way you motivate yourself, and your ideal learning environment. Write your answers to the following question about your goals
         What do I need to achieve?
         How I can state my goal in a specific way?
         What goal should I give priority to?
         Haw can I break my long term goals into short term ones?
         How I am going to break my short therm goals into small achievable steps?
         How I will know that I have met my short term goal?

         Review of goals

        Have I focused on important skills to learn?
        Have I set my goals to low -are they too easy or too high?
        Are my goals accessible?

Plan your study schedule  List the times during the week that you are available to study. Make a table for each week. Look at your goals and think about what you want to accomplish. Then fill in your table for the first week.
Check your progress
Make a table to suit your individual needs and use it to keep track of your progress:


Date work was begun
Amount of time spent on the goal
What I did that was successful; in reaching or trying to reach this goal
What I learned that will help me in the next goal _________________________________________________________

3. Learn the Essentials - Good Learning Material

However, there is a base in every language. Place where we are starting. Common words, phrases and grammatical rules. An overview of an language. It must be short, precise and effective basic program.
All you really need to get started is a vague understanding of how the language works and some key phrases and essential vocabulary.
There are many completely free resources for getting these basics.

You don't need any money for finding good learning material. You only should to know where to go! Useful links and online materials can replace books, audio courses, language schools..

4.  Immersion - Speak Now.

Immersion means that you talk with your friends in the English language, you watch TV in the language, you do your banking, buy your groceries, and get your hair cut in that language. . in other words to make completly English environment.  It's hard to find an immersive environment for yourself as an adult, because of our jobs, school .. But we still can watch cable TV, to write our notes in the English, read newspapers, books.. to think in the English ..
Well, immerse yourself as much as possible.

Speak Now!  The name of this blog gives you a clear message. Start to speak now. Whether you are chatting away with your foreign friends or speak aloud when you are alone, JUST DO IT. It is crucial factor and you must start to speak Today. 

Please read this post carefully, make plan, set goals and speak now. This post is the Big Picture of the idea of learning language I want to develop through this blog as well as a result of my research, knowledge and enthusiasm. I am open for all suggestions you may have. 

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