петак, 18. јануар 2013.

Building Basics: Vocabulary Base - Irregular verbs 32

 I really hope you have made the decision to learn English this time, dealt with your fears, made a plan and visualized yourself as you're speaking fluently. Please do the last again. Try to imagine yourself relaxed, in good mood, sitting down with your friends/colleagues and explaining them something very intresting or important. Keep this picture in your mind!

In the previous post I had a point: Learn the Essentials and today we will start building our English Language Base.

Building English Language Base

In order to develop four main skills such as Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing, and few supporting skills, we need to have a good base. The place where we begin to build our pyramid of English language. Let's see what is included in the English Language Base:

1. Vocabulary Base 

2. Grammatical Base 

3. Phrase Base  

These three parts of EL Base are the answer on what you need to know to be able to communicate in English, and all of them must be learned.

Today we start with.. 

1. Vocabulary Base

  • It's all about the verbs

The verbs are, in fact, the most important part of  Vocabulary Base. A verb expresses action, occurrence or state of being; a word that says something about either a noun or pronoun. 
Regular verbs form the past tense by adding –d or- ed.
Irregular verbs do not follow this typical pattern.

List of the most common words in English included even 92 verbs!  (we plan to learn all through our Building Basics ) and almost half of those verbs are irregular (32). 

Ok, let's figure...

200 about - the most common words in English (nouns, verbs, adjectives...)
92    - verbs (regular and irregular)
32    - irregular 

Our today's goal is to learn  all of these 32 irregular verbs!

This is complete list of irregular verbs we need to learn to communicate in English.

Present                         Past                                       Present                         Past

bring                            brought                                  keep                             kept
buy                              bought                                   know                            knew
come                           came                                      let                                 let
cut                               cut                                         make                            made
draw                            drew                                     put                                put
drink                            drank                                    read                             read
eat                               ate                                         ride                              rode
fall                               fell                                         run                                ran
find                              found                                     say                               said
fly                                flew                                       see                                saw
get                               got                                         sing                               sang
give                             gave                                       sit                                  sat
go                               went                                       sleep                              slept
grow                           grew                                       take                               took
hold                            held                                        tell                                  told
hurt                             hurt                                        think                               though
write                           wrote

This list don't have a third column - past partciple, because, for now, we don't need it. (The complete list of irregular verbs included about 80 verbs, in three columns) 

For now, try to memorize these 32 verbs. If you don't know their meaning, you may translate it here:  http://translate.google.com/ In the box you will see small button to listen a pronunciation, try to reproduce/repeat what you hear.

There are some intresting pictures that will help you to remember these irregular verbs:


      BUY - BOUGHT


The second point was Immersion - Speak Now. So, make a decision today that if you are the reader of the morning newspaper, your new friend could be http://english.blic.rs/
You don't  have to read each article, just read something that interests you. Exciting material.


EAT - ATE           



      FLY - FLEW


GO - WENT    

  GIVE - GOT                 

                      GROW - GREW                                  
     WRITE - WROTE                 

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