понедељак, 21. јануар 2013.

Building Basics: Phrase Base - I&II Simple Phrase List

 Learning the English language is not memorizing individual words, neither learning grammar...
Phrases.... One of the most effective way in building your fluency in English is memorizing and practicing simple phrases. Why?

First, knowledge of the set of simple phrases give us ability to respond immediately or to ask question as quickly as possible in a situation when an conversation flows. By this way, we avoid the trap of direct translating and potentially sinking in a sea of information and grammatical rules.
Second, phrases are grammatical. You don't need to think about tenses, countable nouns or irregular verbs... Honestly, in most cases you will not have time for that.

Just Speak Now. 

Learning advice: Avoid translating!
The fact is that translating from your own language into English prevents you from speaking fluently. To overcome dependency on translating, practice simple phrases in English until you can use them with the same fluency as you can use your own language.
Then build up from those phrases to more complex sentences.

Today we are going to practice the phrases based on The Dolch Word List. There are four group of phrases: Pre - premier, Premier, First and Second grade group. Here are two of them.

How to learn these phrases?

  • First, try to understand how the each word in a phrase is used
  • Try to guess meaning of the phrase without translation
  • Try to read and imitate the pronunciation, word by word  
  • Try to speed up your produced speech
  • Practice speaking these phrases until fluency
  • Than write a similar/different phrase for each word
  • And explore other phrases related to the Dolch words ( use dictionary with examples)
Our goal is to practice a simple phrases as much as possible. Make a  daily plan and start to make your: The Phrase Book (instead a vocabulary book). Practice every day. 

a                       I ate a snack.
and               My friend and I play.
away    I will throw away my lunch.  
big                 That is a big truck.
blue                         The sky is blue.
can                                I can read.
come                   Will you come over?
down             She went down the slide.
find               I can’t find my pencil.
for                This gift is for you.    

funny                  That was a funny joke.
go             They will go to school.
help                            I will help you.
here                                     I sit here.
I                   I am six years old.
in          The rabbit is in the hole.
is                      She is my friend.
it                                We like it.
jump         I will jump over the puddle.
little                 My little sister is cute.

look              I will look in my desk.
make  My grandma will make a cake.
me                That belongs to me.
my               Where is my pencil?
not       She is not in school today.
one     I have one cookie for snack.
play        Will you play tag with me?
red                       The apple is red.
run                           I can run fast.
said                 He said I was funny.

see               Did you see my hat?
the                  She read the book.
three                   I have three pencils.
to      I will walk to your house.
two There are two kids on the bus.
up                      I ran up the hill.
we              We are in first grade.
where                  Where are you going?
yellow                        The sun is yellow.
you       I will jump rope with you.


all                   I ate all my lunch.
am               I am a good student.  
are                  My friends are here.
at                   I looked at the dog.
ate                         He ate his snack.
be                             I will be kind.
black                              The car is black.
brown                           I saw a brown bear.
but    I took a nap, but I am still tired.
came        My cousins came for a visit.

did                  She did her homework.
do                       I will do my chores.
eat     What did you eat for breakfast?
four        There are four deer in the field.
get                  They will get a gold slip.
good                           You did a good job!
have                         I have a broken arm.
he                            He is my friend.
into                   I walked into the store.
like                            I like my teacher.

must              You must finish your work.
new                  I moved to a new town.
no    My mom says the answer is no.
now                       We have Music now.
on                     She sat on the swing.
our             Our family went on a trip.
out       I walked out of the classroom.
please              Can I please go to the party?
pretty                              My mom is pretty.
ran                          My cat ran away.

ride       I went on a roller coaster ride.
saw                              He saw a ghost.
say                         What did you say?
she                           She is my friend.
so                           I am so hungry.
soon                        I will be done soon.
that                I saw that show on TV.
there                           Put it over there.
they       They always walk in the hall.
this            I found this on the floor.

too                     I washed my hands too.
under         There is a monster under my bed.
want                                    I want a cookie.
was           He was running down the hall.
well                                 I don’t feel well.
went                       We went to the movies.
what                     I don’t know what to do.
white                               The snow is white.
who                      Who will be my friend?
will              She will play on the swings.
with                        Can I play with you?
yes        Yes, I like using the computer.

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